My cousin toys (56k die..)

  • to show you the tiefbett <rofl>


  • Yeah.....i seeeeee <joker>

    But it's in a plastic case ------------ so I thought it's for something special....................... <grmpf><nono>

  • Zitat

    Original von K-Baller85
    Why is the Motorola V3 on the Wheel??

    you have no idea ... that`s the "pimpyest" way to balance the wheels in the states <rofl>

    the M3 is nice ... well, i would have chosen different wheels, but i still love that car <love><thumbsup>



  • Zitat

    Original von Mr.Petrolhead

    you have no idea ... that`s the "pimpyest" way to balance the wheels in the states <rofl>

    the M3 is nice ... well, i would have chosen different wheels, but i still love that car <love><thumbsup>

    Okey okey..............I take all the mobiles of me and my friends and place them ond my wheels.....................BUT I don't have a "tiefbett" <sabberlappen>

  • oh man.. if you don't have a "tiefbett" you have to "stell" them the "highway" <rofl> <rofl> <rofl>


  • if you don`t have the true motorola-tiefbett, you can`t hunt down mature moms accross america, Streetfigher <nono>



  • Zitat

    Original von Mr.Petrolhead
    if you don`t have the true motorola-tiefbett, you can`t hunt down mature moms accross america, Streetfigher <nono>

    Foe shizzy my nizzy <ROFL>

  • Zitat

    Original von Mr.Petrolhead
    if you don`t have the true motorola-tiefbett, you can`t hunt down mature moms accross america, Streetfigher <nono>

    you are so gemein.. but i have a roadster.. that's much better then a tiefbett.... but i don't have ä rückbank so i have to sell my car and buy a ford f-150... of course with tiefbett..

    but why we write in english? pedro is ansheanend from switzerland.. u know the country with the boys don't breich the goal from 11meter..


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Flo ()

  • we write in english because we want his cousin to understand us, you know. that`s the guy with the crazy motorola-tiefbett, you know <sabberlappen>

    everyone needs a motorola-tiefbett, EVERYONE!

    okay, let`s stop it, that`s gemein what we are doin here.

    fact ist:
    wie schon gesagt, der M3 ist heiss <thumbsup> <thumbsup>



  • Meldet euch mal zu einem Englischkurs an <laughing> <laughing> <laughing>

    Naja, muss sagen, der B*W (wage das Wort nicht mal aussprechen) sieht wirklich nicht mal so übel aus <cool2>...
    Der GMC...Amerikanische Power <sabberlappen> <sabberlappen> <sabberlappen>


    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von HOEFI ()

  • I find the Denali fett <rofl> Sorry der musste sein :D

    Nice cars, even though I don't like the M3's color! Nevertheless it's a great car.

  • Zitat

    Original von S-treetfïghter
    but why we write in english? pedro is ansheanend from switzerland.. u know the country with the boys don't breich the goal from 11meter..

    <rofl> <laughing> <rofl>

  • Wieso hat der "M3" nur so ne ... mhhh wie soll ich das sagen... bescheidene Bremsanlage? ;) FAKE!

  • Na das Interieur ist ja ganz schön bescheiden, ist das im m3 immer so?

    MFG hosti

  • Zitat

    Original von S-treetfïghter
    oh man.. if you don't have a "tiefbett" you have to "stell" them the "highway" <rofl> <rofl> <rofl>

    I have a Motorola V3 as well, but not genug "Tiefbett" to stell it on <rofl>

    The M3 really looks a bit "cheap" inside, I would have chosen SMG <confused>

    I like the Denali Truck <good> Biiiiiig Pimpin :D

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