civic_vti_type_s mit seinem Daily in Rapperswil-Jona

  • Was: civic_vti_type_s in seinem Daily ;)
    Wo: Kreuzung Jonastrasse / Bahnhofstrasse, Rapperswil-Jona
    Wann: Heute morgen, 8. Oktober, 7:40


    "Bro.. teach me how to stunt like you. I want the widest wheels, with the stretchiest tires,
    I want girls with the tightest holes, and booze that will make the ugliest hoes attractive.

  • Dann werd ich mir das nächste mal die Kennzeichen-Nummer merken. Sah jedenfalls genau so aus wie dein Daily ;)

    "Bro.. teach me how to stunt like you. I want the widest wheels, with the stretchiest tires,
    I want girls with the tightest holes, and booze that will make the ugliest hoes attractive.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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